Published: January 5, 2017

Setting SMART Goals Part 2 – Specific

When setting a goal, whether for the new year, in training, at school, at work, or anywhere else, it is important to first create a specific goal.  Most resolutions fail, not because of lack of willpower, but because the goal is not clearly defined.  “I want to lose weight” or “I want to get healthier,” are great goals but they are incredibly hard to define.  Define in shape.  What does that mean? Define healthy eating.  It’s hard to define this.

Instead, be sure to set a goal that is specific.  “I want to lose 20 pounds.”  ” I will log my eating habits every day into my fitness app.”  “I will come to six Warrior X-FIT Classes at ATA each month.”  “I will practice my form five times every day.”

Setting a specific goal clearly defines what it is that you want to accomplish.